Enhancing Responsible Biosciences
Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences
STARBIOS2 is a European project that received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme. It aims to implement the Responsible Research and Innovation-RRI approach in research institutions through Action Plans. A model and guidelines will be elaborated based on the Action Plans feedback and experience to facilitate the implementation of RRI in other research institutions.
Download the STARBIOS2 guideline from our list of publications!
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STARBIOS2 partners take actions to attain RRI structural change in their institutions
Objectives & Outcomes
STARBIOS2 contributes to the advancement of the RRI strategy by fostering structural change in research institutions

Action Plans (APs)
Implementation of the RRI approach and practices in 6 research departments of biosciences. 3 further APs will be implemented in non-European instutions

Learning Process
Acquisition of new practical knowledge on RRI-oriented structural change processes through APs

Guidelines – RRI Model
Elaboration of guidelines and a model for research institutions to support the implementation and uptake of RRI approach
Responsible Research and Innovation – RRI

The European Commission defines RRI as “a process for better aligning research and innovation with the values, needs and expectations of society. It implies close cooperation between all stakeholders in various strands comprising: science education, definition of research agenda, access to research results and the application of new knowledge in full compliance with gender and ethics considerations.”
RRI comprises 5 key elements:
- Public Engagement
- Gender
- Education
- Open access
- Ethics