What are the benefits and challenges of implementing open access as part of responsible research and innovation initiatives? The H2020 projects STARBIOS2 and InnoRenew CoE shed light on what Open Access means to the scientific community during their joint event November 16th 2018.

Elena Buzan speaking at STARBIOS2 Open Access workshop
Advocated by the European Research Commission, open access is part of the movement towards more responsible research and innovation. Using repositories, policies and recommendations for researchers to enable open access publication is increasingly common.
The workshop included a lecture on Slovenia’s National strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia, followed by an introduction to Open Access for researchers. The University of Primorska also presented their Open Access initiatives.
Managing open data on Open Access platform is an area of interest to many in the research community. How you keep your commitment to a publisher whilst still protecting the responsible research and innovation principle of open access? InnoRenew CoE contributed valuable insight into the subject during the workshop.
STARBIOS2 partner University of Primorska’s Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, co-host of the workshop would like to thank the speakers for their contributions to a successful workshop:
- dr. Klavdija Kutnar, dean of UP FAMNIT
- Petra Tramte – Ministry for Science, Education and Sport; NPR for Open Access and official delegate and NPR for Horizon 2020.
- Mojca Kotar, Assistant Secretary General of the University of Ljubljana in the University Office of Library Services. OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk for Slovenia.
- Viljem Leban- director of Library at UP
- Mike Burnard- Dep. Director of InnoRenew CoE
Sandra Potušek & Anna Holm