For 4 years now, we have been transforming institutions to foster responsible research. We have been is promoting responsible research and innovation in bioscience, using action plans, a sustainable model and guidelines that aim to make research more relevant, inclusive and effective for citizens and businesses.

We were able to recruit over 180 participants from 5 continents for our final event on May 29. Now, we are being highlighted as a recent success story in EU-funded research and innovation. Confirming that we have succeeded to make an impact in the direction of responsible research and innovation in research institutions in Europe. But also in the US, South Africa and Brazil.
For those of you who are interested in learning more about the STARBIOS2 project, the video recordings of the final event are coming very soon. Until then, you can find more information on what we did and how in the STARBIOS2 guideline book, available for download on our publications page. Or by watching the recordings of our webinars from early 2020.
If you want to know more about what made our RRI implementation in bioscience organisations successful, read the full blog post on the European Commission’s website.