Last week, STARBIOS2 members were busy at ScanBalt Forum, and this years theme was “Molecular Biology and Immunology of Cancer – R&D perspectives”.
Hosted in Gdansk, Poland, partners from University of Gdansk were of course present. But so were consortium members from Italy, from University of Tor Vergata and from Laboratory of Citizen Science.

”Science & society are in a complex transition. Structures, norms, values, and practices are changing. This is affecting bioscience. Under what conditions can RRI be an effective reaction?”
Claudia Colonello
Claudia Colonello gave a talk titled “Structural Change to Attain Responsible Biosceinces: the experience of the STARBIOS2 project” where she described the complex transition facing the biosciences today. In her presentation, Claudia raised an important question: ”Science & society are in a complex transition. Structures, norms, values, and practices are changing. This is affecting bioscience. Under what conditions can #RRI be an effective reaction?”
STARBIOS2 at ScanBalt Forum 2019