We have been implementing structural change towards Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for 4 years on 4 continents. Our STARBIOS2 journey is now coming to an end, but we will continue practicing RRI and carrying on the STARBIOS2 legacy.

Our final event was a great opportunity to showcase the challenges for RRI mainstreaming in bioscience, and our success stories of overcoming those challenges and succeeding to enable structural change at European bioscience research institutions, inspiring similar changes in the US, South Africa & Brazil. In this final newsletter, we want to let you know where to download our guideline and that speaker presentations and video recordings from our final event are now available on our website and on YouTube. And finally, to share with you our stories, and thank you for these 4 years together.
RRI success stories

RRI ACTION ON SOCIETAL ENGAGEMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ROME – TOR VERGATA At University of Rome – Tor Vergata, a small team of bioscience researchers made structural change happen. How did they manage to do so? This is their story… [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON GENDER AT UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK Implementing gender focused activities to obtain structural changes on institution-wide level at University of Gdansk! Find out what they learned, and about the united efforts of a complex project team [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON OPEN ACCESS AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA What does RRI look like at the youngest public university in Slovenia? And more specifically, in biodiversity? STARBIOS2 experoences from University of Primorska [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON ALL RRI KEYS AT AGROBIOINSTITUTE, SOFIA, BULGARIA The STARBIOS2 guidelines offer many examples of how structural change looks different in different contexts. With expertise in plant science, this is an overview of Agrobioinstitute’s experiences implementing RRI [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON ALL RRI KEYS AT AGROBIOINSTITUTE, SOFIA, BULGARIA The STARBIOS2 guidelines offer many examples of how structural change looks different in different contexts. With expertise in plant science, this is an overview of Agrobioinstitute’s experiences implementing RRI [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON EDUCATION AT UNIVERSITY OF BREMEN Education can be a powerful tool for to promote RRI! University of Bremen has used it to its advantage throughout the STARBIOS2 project. Find out what they have learned! [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AT FIOCRUZ, BRAZIL Fiocruz already had many common practices that fit within the spirit or RRI when the STARBIOS2 project started. Their main challenge was adjusting existing practices and taking a systematic approach [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AT UNIVERSITY MARYLAND BALTIMORE With a focus on technology transfer and public engagement, the UMB STARBIOS2 team has benefited from including graduate students in their RRI work [READ MORE]

RRI ACTION ON PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AT ICGEB, CAPE TOWN Find out how ICGEB Cape Town turned their busy and multi-dimensional scientific institute into a public engagement success! [READ MORE]
Re-live our final event!

We finally finished editing the video recordings from our final event! They are all available in this YouTube playlist, and on our website, along with speaker PowerPoint presentations! [READ MORE]
RRI implementation: guideline & model

DO WHAT OVER 400 PEOPLE HAVE DONE ALREADY Download the STARBIOS2 guideline, open access & sustainably published in the Uppsala University repository. It also contains lessons learned from partners (have a look at their Notes)! The STARBIOS2 guideline aims to help readers formalize and trigger structural change aimed at introducing appropriate RRI-related practices to their own organisations. This is not a series of prescriptions, but an itinerary of reflection and self-interpretation addressed to different actors within the biosciences. Download it here, or explore other STARBIOS2 publications on our website! [READ MORE]